Welcome to the Water Desalination Report Archive.
HHFA to finance Key West desalting plant, construction bid out this week
New contract for Fluor
Task force group to study NYC water drought
Author's view on Patent report
Desalting program expansion approves
Conferees agree to extend desalting program, but tie it to yearly reviews
Di Luzio's Victory
Drought proof for New York
Nuclear site problem
Lowest bidder named for desalting facility
Ionics moved to a new address
No go for nuclear powered desalting plant
Major papers presented
Participants in the OSW exhibit
In some, " All that glitters isn't gold" conclusions
State Water Centers to foster desalting research
OWRR evaluates submitted desalting proposals for approval
Congressional Oversight
Major drought-proofing solution
US desalting program attracts international interests
Settlement for US desalting program differences
AMF wins N.Y. Riverhead-Lilco dual plant job
Federal Resources Council talks to solve drought
Sen. Javits supports Federal
House votes accelerated desalting measure;conferee action next.
Research Stress
Desalting legislation signed by Gov. Brown
No to artificial island
Bigger boost for coal industry
Kellogg contact
The MWD Story: Best costs yet for big desalting plants
Bechtel conceptual plants and costs
Fossil vs. fuel
Site for MWD desalting plant
Bechtel adopts water plant design
Financial assistance for MWD desalting plant
House committee trims and refashions $200 million desalting program
Module construction
OSW invites companies to bid
Design study results included in OSW's annual report.
Computerized costs
Desalting Economics
Dual plants calls an on-site survey
1966 Fiscal budget signed
Five-Yr expanded desalination program rejected in house interior subcommittee
Another view
Construction go signal for Pt. Loma
Nuclear desal station will solve Puerto Rico's crisis
Plant study ongoing by Kaiser Engineers & Catalytic Construction
Budget cut for AEC's desalting program
New responsibilities in desal
Bechtel completed Phase 2
Accelerated desalting program passes Senate
Construction of San Diego II cleared by House Subcommittee
Brine: Sell or Give?
Construction of Coalinga pilot plant begins
A-C win design study contract
Building reverse osmosis desalting plant
NRHC approves Di Luzio's US desalting program
Senate committee okays administration desalting program
Industry-OSW Partnership
Dept of Water Resources receive go signal
US President focused on desalting program
Rickover Analogy
Economic survey begins
Construction Invitation
Congressional hearing on Pt. Loma replacement plant ends in slatemate
10-day tour completed by Italian technicians
"Fresh water from sea" conference held in Milan
River desalting plant as solution for water problems
Date set on the House-Senate conference
OSW's Division Chief resigns
Haden's suggestion
Nine plants