Welcome to the Water Desalination Report Archive.
U.S. firms compete for Egyptian nuclear fresh water job
Change course for Lummus
OSW finally awards 50MGD contract
Long and bumpy road as seed-project continue to gain criticisms
Accelerated desalting effort smiled-on in Senate
Flash-distillation winning horse race
Interest in Riverhead puss through
Power and desal as the key source
Big Plants
Point Loma II to Key West?
Bobby Baker - U.S. Desalting program connection evaporates
Congress agreement stand on Colorado River
OSW appears before Senate Appropriation Committee
Two phase project move to it's new location at Wrightsville Beach
Teflon amazing contribution
California economic sacrifice
House Interior Committee scores U.S. desalting process
Office of Saline Water Fiscal 1966 budget
Water Desalination Report is born
Big plant designs awarded