Welcome to the Water Desalination Report Archive.
Volume 2, 1966, Issue 35
Burns and Roe to design Saudi Arabia dual desalting station
Dual-purpose plant schedule of construction
Saudi international airport plan
B&R extends the contract at Guantanamo plant
Mitsui lowest bidder OSW's desalting test plant
Atomic International challenging assignment
Interior Secretary acclaim US desalting program achievement
Udall recognizes Holifield's participation on Federal-MWD agreement
Volume 2, 1966, Issue 31
Funds approved for Negev brackish conversion plant by UN
UN desalting meeting at Manila
U.S-Israel procures nuclear desalting pilot plant
Large plant possible for construction
San Diego II demo plant ground breaking ceremony
Flash distillation beats freezing process at MH-1A nuclear test
FWPCA look for new and improve techniques for sewage water