Welcome to the Water Desalination Report Archive.
Volume 4, 1968, Issue 38
Udall feels Bolsa can't be put together again, SCE definitely terminating
OSW search two saline ground water at New Mexico
Aqua-Chem first quarter earnings
Possible location for big nuclear desalting plants
Aqua-Chem subsidiary at Australia
Volume 4, 1968, Issue 34
England's Weir Westgarth wins yr.'s largest desalting job
Motherwell Bridge acquires British Aqua-Chem
Catalytic Construction wins VC-VTE plant
New company of desalting systems and services at Florida
Hornburg and Bailie organize new company
Volume 4, 1968, Issue 30
RO systems sweep low bid honors at White Sands competition
Another rejected bids for OSW combined system
Discovery of Ion Exchange Membranes
Methematical model prepared by Electronic Associates Inc.
Haven Industries' new president