Technology - Membrane & Filtration

In brief: Call for abstracts for AWWA-AMTA 2016 conference

Since the 2016 AWWA-AMTA Membrane Technology Conference will be held earlier in the year than usual, the abstract submittal due date—19th of June—has also...

In brief: Elsevier's 2nd International Conference on desalination in Singapore

Elsevier will hold the 2nd International Conference on Desalination Using Membrane Technology in Singapore. For information, visit

In brief: Final negotiations between Pacific Grove and PERC

The city of Pacific Grove, California will enter into final negotiations with the PERC Water/PACE team for the design and construction of a $7.3 million, 0.25 MGD (946 m3/d) MBR treatment system...

Electrochem desal product launched

Evoqua Water Technologies will announce the launch of a new electrochemical desalination technology at this week’s Aquatech China in Shanghai. Its Nexed technology will employ the company’s...

Sunlight drives membrane performance

In a paper posted online in the American Chemical Society’s journal Nano, researchers from Osaka, Japan, have described their work developing an anodized alumina membrane with a grafted surface...

In brief: Hamby Water Reclamation facility completed

The city of Abilene, Texas, has completed the installation of its 7 MGD (24,695 m3/d) Hamby Water Reclamation Facility and Indirect Reuse Project. The plant employs GE Water’s LEAPmbr...

MD membrane supplier seeks partners

In 2004, Ontario-based KmX acquired the exclusive rights to a unique pervaporation membrane technology, which it used to build a demonstration solvent recycling plant in New Church, Virginia. Using...

Survey to evaluate intake well pathogens

A survey of desalination plants with intake wells is being conducted by American Water as part of a research project entitled Methodology for Assigning Pathogen Removal Credits for Sub-Surface...

Contractor sought for membrane WTP

The City of Grand Forks, North Dakota, is seeking a construction manager at risk (CMAR) to provide design phase services for the new, 20 MGD (75,700 m3/d) Grand Forks Regional Water Treatment...

Technology idol lineup set

Participants have now been chosen for the eighth annual Technology Idol event, which showcases early stage, desalination-related technologies, and will be held on Monday, 27 April, in conjunction...